HCP Entrepreneurship: Making a Difference in Medicine

HCP Entrepreneurship: Making a Difference in Medicine

Episode 5 – February 4, 2023

Guests: Dr. Arlen Meyers and Dr. Jeffrey Hausfeld

Over the past few decades, healthcare providers have been compelled to move from the traditional idea of medicine where “physicians take care of patients” to today’s model where increasingly “providers take care of insured lives.” This loss of connectivity between a patient and their doctor has worn away the fabric of what medicine used to be. Seeking alternative models and innovations, physician-business leaders Dr. Arlen Meyers and Dr. Jeffrey Hausfeld co-founded the Society for Physician Entrepreneurs (SOPE) to empower physicians and other professionals to innovate healthcare through entrepreneurship. This is their story.

To learn more about SOPE and to get in touch go to: sopenet.org

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